Run the Server Dashboard and select the ISO Mounter tab |
Select the “Add Watch Folder” button or the “Add An Auto-mount Folder” link to view the folder browser dialog |
Browse to the folder on your server containing ISO image files you wish to automatically mount and select OK |
The folder will be added to the Watch Folder list |
At this point any new ISO image files which are copied into this folder, or a subfolder, will automatically be mounted and added to the Mounted ISO list. Note ISO images files which already exist in the Watch Folder must be mounted individually. If you wish to mount all existing ISO image files within a Watch Folder then select the Watch Folder and press the “Rescan Watch Folder” button |
When you are ready to unmount an ISO image simply return to the Server Dashboard, select the ISO Mounter tab, select the ISO file you which to unmount, and press the “Unmount ISO” button |
The ISO image will be unmounted and removed from the list of mounted ISO names |
If you no longer wish to automatically mount ISO image files from a folder then select the folder from the Watch Folder list and press the “Remove Watch Folder” button |